Saudi Arabia - Phosphates (Field exploration and resource estimation)
Case Studies
Ma’aden contracted Aurum to assist with the exploration and development of a sedimentary phosphate resource in northern Saudi Arabia. In order to produce a resource the following activities were undertaken:
• Completion of an RC drill programme, QA/QC oversight, logging of chip samples from both the new programme and historical programmes
• Training of field staff to implement an effective QA/QC programme
• Block-wide geological reinterpretation and exploration targeting at Al Jalamid
• Data evaluation and geological modelling of sedimentary phosphate orebody
• Providing a JORC compliant resource estimate
• Developing a variety of exploration techniques to enhance phosphate exploration in the licence area. These techniques included standard geochemical sampling, regolith sample fraction analysis, gamma-ray scintillometer survey, and biogeochemical methods.