FPGA Pre-Trade Risk Checks

FPGA Pre-Trade Risk Checks



Algo-Logic Systems delivers an industry leading Pre-Trade Risk Check (PTRC) solution that verifies Security and Exchange Commission Rule 15c3-5 compliance with sub-microsecond latency that is consistently lower than software-based systems. The system enables broker/dealers to forward stock market orders from client machines to exchanges with nearly no added delay nor jitter. With an easy to use and secure, Graphical User Interface (GUI), broker/dealers can easily configure a wide range of risk check parameters to ensure compliance and protection prior to execution. Pre-Trade Risk Checks and associated control actions are accelerated in the FPGA. Accurate Logs within the PTRC system ensure compliance can be verified. • Logs record total number of messages sent to Exchange (Failing orders not included) • Record the total number of messages sent to the Trading Client • Record all Rejected Order messages generated for each failing order. Whereas, software based PTRC implementations add many microseconds to milliseconds of latency to order flow, Algo-Logic’s FPGA accelerated solution allows trading on 10 Gigabit/second Ethernet links to complete a series of comprehensive Risk Checks in well under one microsecond. Unlike other in-house and vendor PTRC solutions that take short cuts and forward invalid packets, Algo-Logic’s newest PTRC solution never emits data to an exchange that is not intended to execute. http://algo-logic.com/ptrc

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