nxFramework | FPGA development framework

nxFramework | FPGA development framework



The Enyx Development Framework (nxFramework) is a hardware and software development environment designed to efficiently build and maintain ultra-low latency FPGA applications for the financial industry. Based on close to 10 years of research and development, nxFramework is the foundation for all Enyx off-the-shelf solutions and provides users with the toolchain to create and manage a large portfolio of applications. nxFramework is equipped ultra-low latency IP cores: - 1G/10G MAC+PCS - 1G/10G full TCP stack - 1G/10G full UDP stack - PCIe steaming DMA Additional features include: - 60+ IP cores for MMIO, streaming manipulation, math functions, cache & memory management - Drivers and C/C++ libraries for communication with the FPGA & management of the IP cores, which support various Linux distributions - nxFramework is bundled with Python scripts to manage development flow from synthesis to bitstreams and includes a simulation environment Any skilled FPGA developer starting a new low latency project, maintaining an existing one, or looking to change platforms can immediately reduce their time-to-production with nxFramework. Our platform agnostic solution allows for mobility from one platform to another with minimal effort and can support designs across multiple different hardware platform vendors. Common financial use cases - Tick-to-trade electronic trading platform - Inbound pre-trade risk gateway - Outbound order execution gateway - Market data processing engine - Smart order router - Financial data distribution application

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