Best High Performance Market Access Solution - TradingTech Insight Awards, Europe 2020

Best High Performance Market Access Solution - TradingTech Insight Awards, Europe 2020



In March 2020, Enyx won the A-team Group’s TradingTech Insight (TTI) Europe Award for "Best High Performance Market Access Solution" for its innovative order execution engine product, nxAccess. This award recognizes excellence in trading technology for capital markets and focuses on vendors and consultancies providing exceptional trading infrastructure, market data solutions and services. The winners are determined by end-users in financial institutions through an extensive voting process. nxAccess is Enyx’s latest FPGA-based market access solution that fully processes, filters and normalizes raw market data and executes orders both from a hardware and software algorithm. Designed to accelerate software strategies, nxAccess can also host in-FPGA algorithms ensuring constant, deterministic, and jitter-free performance without sacrificing flexibility.

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