Bertelsmann Stiftung
The Bertelsmann Stiftung is an independent, private operating German foundation which engages in evidence-based nonprofit activities. Each day, some 360 employees aim to strengthen society, help people achieve their full potential, and develop the systems needed to achieve those goals.
In our work on EU-affairs we advocate for a more sovereign and solidary Europe that helps shape the world of tomorrow based on its values. To this effect, we provide background, analysis and insights on our Global and European Dynamics-website.
We are convinced that the EU must learn to manage its economic dependencies strategically - and will only succeed if it emerges as a stronger and more unified actor on the international stage. For this objective to become reality, however, social and economic disparities in the single market must be reduced. Such inequality impairs not only Europe’s competitiveness but also its political and social cohesion. This is especially true while the Twin Transition is ushering in major changes to peoples’ everyday lives. Against this background, it is important that Europeans’ understanding of each other grows and that the EU’s democratic foundations are reinforced.
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For enquiries, please contact Stephan Vopel, Director here and Dr. Malte Zabel, Co-Director here.