Lime Media
Vehicle Fabricator
Lime Media works in partnership with agencies and brands to CREATE experiential marketing
programs, promotions and events that deliver your message to a target audience.
We are experts in planning and executing highly effective marketing programs
that ENGAGE consumers in a variety of locations and environments. Our owned
fleet of over 100 vehicles will efficiently and effectively MOVE your program
to large and small markets around the country. Lime media is your single source
solution for any Experiential Marketing Program / Mobile Tour / Out-of-Home
Advertising Program / Single & Multi-City Promotion.
B-to-B EventsB-to-C EventsBIPOC-Owned BusinessBrand Ambassadors, Spokespeople, Mobile Tour CrewsCharging StationsEvent Hygiene and SafetyEvent Creative and StrategyExhibit Design, Build, Fabrication, Shipping and StorageExhibit RentalsGuerrilla/Street MarketingIn-store, Retail and Shopper MarketingInteractive TechnologiesMeasurement and Analytics