Gilded Glass and Verre Églomisé

Gilded Glass and Verre Églomisé

Gilded Glass and Verre Églomisé
Gilded Glass and Verre Églomisé
Gilded Glass and Verre Églomisé
Gilded Glass and Verre Églomisé


We work with many different types of gold and metal leaf to create wonderfully elegant mirrors and reflective surfaces. Gilded glass involves the application of a ‘size’ to the reverse of clear glass and then laying a metal leaf (gold, silver or metal) which then creates a reflective surfaace. The overlapping metal leaves and the drying process give rise to beautiful variations in this mirrored surface. Verre églomisé is a French term referring to the process of applying both a design and gilding onto the rear face of glass to produce a reflective surface. We start with clear glass and start by painting our design on the reverse using pigments and oil-colours. Once we have built up our design, we then overlay this with a metal leaf, resulting in a decorative reflective surface
Product Category
Decorative AccessoriesFabric & Wallcoverings

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