Marketing - Improve RoI with data-driven marketing
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Delivering exceptional customer experiences:
2020 delivered 10 years’ worth of e-commerce growth in a matter of months. This mass migration to digital has given brands access to consumers at a new scale. Now the challenge will be learning how to do modern marketing in an increasingly cookie-less world. It’s still possible. It just requires a different approach.
Solutions.AI for Marketing is designed for this era of digital interactions. It brings the speed and precision of multi-touch attribution to marketing mix modeling. AI models attribute the performance of each campaign across each channel, using first-party and contextual data to sense changes in customer behavior on a daily, even hourly, basis. Marketers use those insights to plan and adjust marketing strategies to make every marketing dollar work as hard as possible. And, the solution automatically optimizes campaigns over time so that businesses can realize new, ongoing growth as a result.
The pre-built, pre-integrated solution is powered by proprietary data and AI modules, can work with any infrastructure, and is easily customized to quickly support a variety of marketing needs – from defining marketing strategies based on new customer dynamics, to simulating and optimizing live campaigns to increase MROI. The end result? A full-scale transformation of how the business of experience gets done.
Sales, Marketing & CXTechnology