How COVID-19 is Redefining Drug Development & Manufacturing

How COVID-19 is Redefining Drug Development & Manufacturing

Monday, March 29, 2021 2:20 PM to 2:40 PM · 20 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Keynotes: Antibodies


  Unprecedented  challenging time also provides opportunities for great advancement of innovation with cooperation. In this session, learn about 

  • Close collaboration and communication with all stakeholders, utilizing the latest technology, establishing a robust business contingency plan and eliminating a lead time to deliver drugs on time stably 
  • Accelerate timelines by streamline process 
  • Few case studies of our innovation to deliver drugs in just 3 months and how Samsung Biologics goes extramile   

Chris McPherson, Senior Scientists and Technical Advisor for Upstream & Downstream Manufacturing, Samsung Biologics   

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