Next-generation immunotherpeutics - selective recruitment of gd T cells by bispecific antibodies

Next-generation immunotherpeutics - selective recruitment of gd T cells by bispecific antibodies

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 3:40 PM to 4:00 PM · 20 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Antibodies for immunotherapy


  • Immunotherapeutic approaches for redirecting pan CD3+ T cells to target cancer is under clinical investigation
  • Prototypic bispecific antibody concurrently binds to the Vg9 chain of the Vg9Vd2+ gd T cells and to tumor antigens for efficient lysis of tumor cells
  • Bispecific antibodies show: a) selective activation of Vg9+ gd T cells as judged by CD69 and CD25 surface expression, and intracellular Granzyme B expression, b) selective recruitment of Vg9+ gd T cells into cell-cell conjugate formation of gd T cells with tumor cells and c) mediates gd T cell cytotoxicity (in vitro and in vivo) against tumor antigen expressing cells

Rajkumar Ganesan, Director, Bispecific Antibodies & CAR T, Janssen 

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