LGfL - The National Grid for Learning

Headline Sponsor


Five ways to access FREE support from LGfL

  1. Visit our website for more information https://inclusion.lgfl.net">https://inclusion.lgfl.net
  2. Subscribe to our YouTube channel https://includedyoutube.lgfl.net">https://includedyoutube.lgfl.net 
  3. Sign up to our free monthly newsletter for updates and links to free training, free resources and occasional prize giveaways https://inclusionnewsletter.lgfl.net">https://inclusionnewsletter.lgfl.net 
  4. Have a look at our upcoming training sessions which are all free to attend https://inclusiontraining.lgfl.net">https://inclusiontraining.lgfl.net 
  5. Check out our newest free resource IncludED In Your Classroom https://includedclassroom.lgfl.net">https://includedclassroom.lgfl.net  

Founded by London local authorities as a Grid for Learning, today LGfL are a multi award-winning not for profit focussed on enabling the digital transformation of education across the UK.

LGfL is committed to promoting inclusion for all and our IncludED service spearheads these efforts by offering training, resources and sharing best practice for those with SEND, EAL learners and by promoting good practice for mental health and wellbeing. We are committed to working with the inclusion community and partner organisations to make UK education the most inclusive and accessible in the world.  Visit https://NGfL.net to find out more.

Education Level
EYFSPrimarySecondary and post 16
Product/Service Areas
ADHDAssistive technologyAutism and ASDBehaviourBest practiceCognition and learningCommunication and interactionCurriculumDyslexiaOnline resourcesProfessional developmentSensory and/or physical needsSocial, emotional and mental healthSoftwareSpeech, language and communication needsTechnology and hardwareTraining

Social media

Products / Services


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