


Safespaces design and manufacture attractive, custom made safe environments for students with complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, epilepsy and challenging behaviours.

The Safespace is specifically designed to provide a safe, calming environment that can be easily adapted to be high or low sensory to meet a wide range of needs. It can be used as a calm or therapy space, where pupils can enjoy sensory equipment, or to help students with behaviour self-management. For students who may feel anxious or with rising stress levels the Safespace offers a safe environment in which to de-escalate and begin to self-manage their own behaviours.

Education Level
EYFSPrimarySecondary and post 16Further EducationHigher Education
Product/Service Areas
ADHDAutism and ASDBehaviourCommunication and interactionEHCPSensory and/or physical needsSocial, emotional and mental healthSpeech, language and communication needsYoung adults, parents and carersOther

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