10T Tech Limited
10T Tech is a GSMA compliant eSIM service provider, focusing on the challenger , ‘virtual’ mobile carriers, and device manufacturers through innovative and aggressive commercial and technical value proposition. Through our innovative commercials we allow all carriers to take part in the physical to digital eSIM revolution.
We disrupt the traditional big telco operating model, by offering a cost efficient, plug and play eSIM solution, that can be up and running in as little as 6 weeks.
‘GSMA eSIM Platform as a Service’
10T Tech’s eSIM Cloud Platform is a digital replacement of what a mobile carrier does today at a physical store – hand out plastic SIM cards and assign them to subscriber profiles in their systems when activated.
Easy Entry Commercial Model
· Zero Setup Fees
· Zero Hosting and Maintenance Fees
· Zero Profile Development Fee
· Zero Minimum Order Quantity
· Transaction Only Charging Model