Checklist: Light Post-Editing

Do you want to integrate post-editing into your translation process but are still unsure which strategy fits your processes best? Would light or full post-editing make the most sense for you? What steps are necessary and which are just "nice to have"?
With this checklist, we want to support you in your decision and provide practical assistance.
Light Post-Editing:
• Purpose of the text: Communicating information, such as in technical data sheets, lists or tender documents for your team, where it is only important that the content is understood and where style is not relevant
• Goal: Fast, cost-effective translation of information
• Result: With light post-editing, your target text will be understandable and concise for the reader, the essential content will be understood and the same meaning will be conveyed as is communicated in the source text. The translation is correct in terms of content, but is not stylistically refined, i.e. the syntax does not correspond to the usual form and the grammar is not perfect throughout.
How to ensure successful light post-editing:
• Time saving: use as much of the MT output as possible
• Ensure no information has been added or omitted
• Edit offensive, inappropriate or culturally unacceptable content
• Restructure incorrect or unclear sentences so that the translation is semantically correct
• Follow basic spelling rules
• Do not make corrections that are stylistic in nature
• Do not restructure sentences only to improve the natural flow of the text
Localization and Translation
tsd Technik-Sprachendienst GmbH