Post-editing for machine translations

Post-editing @ tsd:
• Full-service package: We gladly support the entire value chain of your MT solution from the development of the MT engine right up to post-editing - we are the perfect partner for your MT solutions!
• Professional expertise: Our large team of experts (language engineers and specialists) will support you in developing a suitable post-editing environment and quality assessment.
• Quality standards: Our trained and experienced post-editors work according to the principles defined in ISO 18587 and receive regular training in this area.
• Certified quality management: Our process-optimised quality management is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015.
Post-editing refers to the process whereby machine-translated texts are checked by a proofreader before being published.
This service was developed for companies that use machine translation solutions for their (primarily internal) international communication.
Even with careful linguistic and technical preparation, machine translations are not usually completely free of errors. Proofreading by a proofreader trained and experienced in the field of post-editing is therefore highly recommended.
Localization and Translation
tsd Technik-Sprachendienst GmbH