GRIPS – Information management

Information products with high value for the customer
It is becoming increasingly more challenging to prepare technical content: Products are becoming ever more complex with a rising number of variants, while there is a growing need to cater to additional markets and media. How can content be tailored to respond to these challenges? One possible way is through the use of increasing amounts of metadata, which is recorded and maintained along with the content – yet this can require a great deal of work, is susceptible to errors and does not provide a future-proof foundation for digitalization.
GRIPS (Global Real Time Information Processing Solution) is a cross-language information platform based on knowledge graphs from artificial intelligence (AI). Using GRIPS, information is recorded so that it can be digitally evaluated and subsequently reused on an immediate basis, without the need for additional metadata. Consequently, you can generate intelligent and practically oriented information products with significant benefits for the customer – tailored to the circumstances and customized for all product variants, configurations, markets and channels.
GRIPS synchronizes information with engineering, software development and production: Each piece of information only needs to be recorded once at a single point and is then automatically available and precisely configured for all publications, media, communication channels and digital processes. In other words, this is “digital consistency” – a practice that minimizes the amount of effort involved in research and data collection, reduces the time to market, lowers the cost of information and also closes information gaps when it comes to making constructive changes.
Content Management Systems
STAR Group