
Transcreation – more than just a trend
The transcreation of marketing materials and campaigns means more than just translation. Nowhere is the image of a brand influenced more than in the language and intention of a text. Successful advertising campaigns, taglines and slogans stay in people’s minds even years later. To market a product, service or company with equal success internationally, the brand message needs to evoke the same associations and emotions in the foreign language as in the original.
Transcreation means cultural, linguistic and emotional adaptation
Press releases, brochures, websites, mailings and many other marketing materials all have a lasting impact on the image of your brand and your business. The emotional response provoked by different wordings and expressions varies from one culture to the next, which affects the way your products and services are viewed in different countries. For this reason, the target language text should never be a simple copy of the original, because this could trigger completely different associations in the minds of your potential customers than what was intended. The transcreation of your marketing text, adapted to the cultural needs of your target market, is therefore essential to international brand positioning.
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Localization and Translation
oneword GmbH