International SEO

Website translation: succeed in your target market online
Here in Germany and in other countries, over 90% of all website visitors reach a site from a search query entered in Google, Bing, Baidu or Yandex. So a good search engine ranking is a crucial success factor in selling your products or services. It makes little sense to invest lots of time and money in your website if potential customers can’t find it by using relevant keywords. The search behaviour of your international visitors also depends a lot on cultural and linguistic factors. SEO-optimised website translation, or multilingual search engine optimisation (MSEO), therefore requires more than just straightforward translation.
At a glance: SEO-optimised translation of your website
- Advice from an experienced team of SEO experts, native-speaker translators, project managers and quality managers
- Development of a made-to-measure workflow for your project
- Integration of your goals in keyword research and analysis
- Consideration of factors influencing your online performance (cultural factors in the target markets and competitor situation in target country)
- Native-speaker translators with SEO skills handle your text
- Maximum quality ensured through triple quality assurance and compliance with ISO 17100
- Integration of keywords into the text without impacting on readability (Google recognises and penalises ‘keyword stuffing’)
- Inclusion of defined keywords in back end and metadata
Make an appointment with one of our SEO experts now!
Localization and Translation
oneword GmbH