

MTPE: Machine Translation + Post-Editing (ISO 18587) Thanks to Machine Translation (MT) based on artificial intelligence, translations can now be produced in many languages quickly, inexpensively and to an acceptable quality. These practical everyday helpers are certainly adequate for some purposes, such as gathering information quickly, internal communication or social media. However, to date, no MT system has been able to translate specialised texts, technical documentation or product descriptions into a target language error-free, completely and consistently or formulate marketing messages in a way that is appropriate for the target group. For official corporate communications, machine translation requires professional post-editing (PE): Machine-translated texts must be checked and edited by trained translators and linguists with an in-depth knowledge of MT. This process is called MTPE (Machine Translation + Post-Editing). Our post-editors are experienced professional translators. They correct, supplement and standardise the raw machine translation result and adapt it to the relevant specialised terminology. This means that the final result is no different to a human translation: a fast and inexpensive, but above all correct and complete translation that meets all quality, style and terminology requirements and connects with the target group. Make an appointment with one of our MTPE experts now!
Localization and Translation
oneword GmbH
oneword GmbHDie oneword GmbH ist Qualitätsführer für Sprachdienstleistungen und strategischer Partner für individuelle Übersetzungslösungen. Zertifiziert nach ISO 17100 und ISO 18587, aktives DIN-Mitglied im Normungsausschuss sowie zertifizierter Partner von SCHEMA, SDL und Across. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung und umfangreichem Know-how, innovativen Services und modernsten Sprachtechnologien machen wir namhafte Unternehmen in über 70 Sprachen kommunikationsstark. Für uns als familiengeführtes, unabhängiges Mittelstandsunternehmen sind Werte wie Engagement, Partnerschaftlichkeit, Präzision und 150 % Kundenservice besonders wichtig. Gewachsene Fachkompetenz über anderthalb Jahrzehnte gepaart mit Innovationskraft über alle Geschäftsbereiche bilden die Basis für das große Vertrauen unserer Kunden und leistungsstarkes Wachstum. Übersetzungen . Fachübersetzungen . Maschinelle Übersetzung . Posteditieren . Terminologiemanagement . Terminologie . Prozessoptimierung . SEO . Transkreation . Lokalisierung . Teamproduktivität . Projektmanagement . Workflowoptimierung . DTP . Review . Revision . Lektorat . Korrekturlesen . Korrekturprozesse English version: oneword GmbH is a top-quality language service provider and strategic partner for individual translation solutions. We are certified to ISO 17100 and ISO 18587, are an active DIN member on the standardization committee and a certified partner of SCHEMA, SDL and Across. We use our many years of experience, extensive expertise, innovative services and state-of-the-art technology to make renowned companies into powerful communicators in over 70 languages. As a family-run, independent medium-sized company, we place great importance on values such as commitment, partnership, precision and outstanding customer service. Our specialist expertise, continually developed over one and a half decades, coupled with innovative strength across all business areas form the basis for the large amount of trust our customers place in us and for solid, sustainable growth. translations . technical translations . machine translation . post-editing . terminology management . terminology . process optimisation. SEO . transcreation . localisation . team productivity . project management . workflow optimisation . DTP . review . revision . proof-reading . review processes

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