tsd Technik-Sprachendienst GmbH



Alle Sprachen. Effizient. Termintreu.

Als unabhängiger Sprachdienstleister sind wir seit über 40 Jahren erfolgreich am Markt tätig. 

Wir bieten - rund um das Thema multilinguale Inhalte ganzheitliche Services und exzellente Beratung. 

Darunter verstehen wir - unsere Kernkompetenzen Übersetzung, Lektorat, Terminologie, aber auch maßgeschneiderte MT-Lösungen, Transcreation oder die Betreuung von Language-Consulting-Projekten. 

Wir sind - ein starkes internes Team aus Projektmanagern, Übersetzern, Lektoren, IT-Spezialisten u.v.m. 

Wir setzen uns - weltweit für unsere Kunden ein und machen selbst anspruchsvolle Projekte möglich. 

Wir sind auch - unser weitreichendes Netzwerk aus externen, tsd-geprüften Experten.

Unser Credo - Enger Kundenkontakt und maßgeschneiderte, effiziente Prozesse.

Unser Versprechen: „Wir kümmern uns“.

Wir freuen uns - darauf, Sie kennen zu lernen!


Any language – efficient, reliable and right on schedule.

As an independent language service provider, we have been a successful player in the market for more than 40 years.

We offer - holistic services and excellent consultancy on all aspects of multilingual content.

By this, we mean – not just our core competences of translation, editing, terminology, but also delivering tailored MT solutions, transcreation or language consulting projects.

We are - a strong in-house team of project managers, translators, editors, IT specialists and much more.

We are - committed to our customers worldwide, and make even the most challenging projects possible.

We are also - our extensive pool of external, tsd-certified experts.

Our credo - close customer contact and customised, efficient processes.

Our promise: "We’ll take care of it!"

We look - forward to meeting you!

Consultation at the tekom fair
Despite the current circumstances, we are pleased to be part of this year’s tekom and to have the opportunity to exchange ideas with customers, partners and experts from the industry. Would you like to find out more about all aspects of localization, hear about the news in the industry and take part in our discussion? This year’s main consulting focus points are: • Translation Solutions • Localization Strategies • Efficient use and application of Translation Management Systems (TMS) • Introduction of machine translation systems and post-editing processes • Corporate language in terminology processes • Sense & purpose of Transcreation to meet specific market needs • Solutions around software texts, display texts and human machine interfaces (HMI) • Localization of e-commerce applications • Web and Digital Content Localization • Training Language Teams • Quality processes and metrics in the translation process • Data protection and IT security in translation and localization processes Feel free to contact us - we will be happy to advise you and invite you to our virtual booth!


Concepts/Processes/SoftwareTerminology ManagementTranslation and Localization
Translation and Localization Software
Software for Machine Translation (MT)Software Localization ToolsTranslation Memory SystemsTranslation Workflow Systems/Review Tools

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