NanoPrintek offers a new paradigm in prinitng functional materials and devices. When it comes to printing electronics, sensors, micro-batteries/supercapacitors, etc.., what if instead of wet printing technologies (i.e., ink-jet and aerosol-jet), there was a dry printing and additive nanomanufacturing technology that could enable: 1. On-demand and in-situ generation of various pure nanoparticles (e.g., metals, insulators, semiconductors, superconductors, ceramics, composites, etc.), 2. In-situ and real-time laser sintering of dry nanoparticles jet on various substrates (polyamide, PET, PDMS, paper, metal, ceramic, etc.), with no further post-processing. 3. Multi-material printing of hybrid and composite materials and structures. Yes, this is NanoPrintek!!