The Ingredients of Successful Airline Retailing

The Ingredients of Successful Airline Retailing

Only 24 seats left
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM · 1 hr. (Europe/London)
Airline Workshop


Many airlines are striving to become online retailers of travel-related products and services. However, success is limited, because it’s very challenging to achieve customer-centricity without compromising the already razor-thin margins of the airlines. This is further exacerbated by the complex offerings of the travel industry and its decades-old technologies in a highly regulated environment that limits the use of airlines’ rich data. So, what does it take to transform an airline into a retailer? This workshop will delve into the essential elements of successful airline retailing and highlight the crucial role of AI. With the help of AI, airlines can finally break free from their legacy systems and deliver a more customer-centric travel experience while improving profitability. Join us to discover how AI is revolutionizing airline retailing.

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