Exploring the future of Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver (OOSD) Technology for small/medium airlines, how can solution providers support them in their transition?

Exploring the future of Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver (OOSD) Technology for small/medium airlines, how can solution providers support them in their transition?

Only 18 seats left
Monday, September 23, 2024 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/London)
Technology Provider Workshop


How will small or medium airlines approach and plan for a transition to Modern Airline Retailing (OOSD) over the next 5 - 10yrs?

We will be discussing the following challenges, integrating our research and data into our discussions.

  • Do Tier 2/3 airlines see any significant business case for moving to OOSD?
  • When will they be ready to embrace true retailing and to what extent will they it disrupt their existing business?
  • Do Tier 2/3 airlines anticipate pressure from larger partners and distribution providers to move to NDC and One Order?
  • Is there a risk that they might lose access to larger partners if they don’t make the transition?
  • For vendors of PSS and Retailing solutions targeted at Tier 2/3 carriers, how ready are your solutions or roadmaps for a transition to OOSD?
  • How ready are your organisations to support airlines who have limited dedicated IT and business transformation expertise, when they need to make what will likely be a lengthy transition?
  • Are vendor OOSD solutions capable of running “out of the box” and mostly “hands-off”, requiring little airline intervention, yet still deliver the anticipated benefits of OOSD?
  • Are tech providers capable of handling what could be a significant backlog of airlines looking to transition within a relatively short time frame without lengthy waits for implementation slots etc?

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