Day 4 | Industry Transition will begin at 14:30 CET

Day 4 | Industry Transition will begin at 14:30 CET

Thursday, November 19, 2020 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


If the harder to abate sectors return to business as usual after the pandemic, they will account for the entire carbon budget in 2050. Heavy industry – such as cement, chemicals, steel – and heavy transport – including long distance road transport, shipping and aviation – are together responsible for 40% of global carbon emissions and their contribution is set to increase as other parts of the economy decarbonise. The cost of cutting harder to abate sector emissions is high and progress to date has been slow, but emerging technologies such as green hydrogen combined with CCS and CCUS could become a pathway to net-zero. Day Four dives deep into the breakthrough alternative emissions-reducing innovations gaining traction and investments needed in the pursuit of net-zero for the hardest to abate sectors.

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