Day 1 | Climate Policy & Finance: Investing in Climate Ambition

Day 1 | Climate Policy & Finance: Investing in Climate Ambition

Monday, November 16, 2020 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


The decisions we take today and the investments we make will shape the future we rebuild. As governments and businesses grapple with the pandemic, we must choose to support a more resilient, sustainable and equitable future. A combination of political will, international cooperation and accelerated public and private investment in low-carbon industries, technologies and developing economies is required to keep us aligned with the Paris Agreement. Day One of the Sustainable Innovation Virtual Forum will focus on State and non-State responses to two emergencies – COVID-19 and Climate Change – in a year in which governments must submit their updated climate plans (NDCs) and businesses plan for the new-normal.

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