Financial Services

Financial Services



FinDev Canada offers financial solutions such as debt, equity and guarantees to clients operating in developing countries that demonstrate sustainable social and economic benefits for local communities, with a focus on job creation, women’s economic empowerment and climate change mitigation. Our products are described below. Direct loans: A loan is provided to support a company’s operations or expansion plans, which can include working capital, in Latin America, them Caribbean or Sub-Saharan Africa. These can take the form of direct loans or corporate facilities. Guarantees: These provide an irrevocable guarantee to a company’s bank for a loan to support the company’s operations or expansion plans. Structured and project financing: Structured financing can be provided to develop projects that demonstrate social and economic benefits for the host country. Borrowers benefit from FinDev Canada’s support, including support for the technical, environmental and social documentation needed for the project. Equity: This extends flexible long-term private equity growth capital to high-potential companies.

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