Panel - Climate change reporting, accountability and comparability (presented by Jarislowsky Fraser)

Panel - Climate change reporting, accountability and comparability (presented by Jarislowsky Fraser)



The panel will discuss the increasing responsibility of organisations towards climate change as it comes to the urgent goal of reducing GHG emissions to prevent the devastating impacts of climate change. For corporations, those impacts include physical risks, including the risks that producing facilities could be destroyed by fire or flood, and risks related to the global transition to a low-carbon economy. The latter risks include policy action, legal, market change and technological innovations. The panel will discuss the need for robust disclosure by companies regarding climate-related risks, and the evolving practices of assessing, managing and communicating about climate risks.

This session will be presented in English. 

Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd Reconnu pour l’investissement responsable de qualité Jarislowsky, Fraser Limitée est une firme de gestion de placements inscrite. Fondée en 1955 en tant que cabinet de recherche, Jarislowsky Fraser gère aujourd’hui les portefeuilles de caisses de retraite, de fondations et de fonds de dotation, d’entreprises et de particuliers à valeur nette élevée au Canada et à l’étranger – ce qui représente plus de 60 milliards de dollars canadiens en actifs sous gestion.  Conformément à notre philosophie d’investissement, en tant qu’investisseur à long terme dans des entreprises de grande qualité, nous intégrons les facteurs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG) dans l’analyse fondamentale sur les investissements. Nous gérons plus de 5 milliards de dollars au nom de clients qui expriment une variété de considérations particulières fondées sur l’éthique et nous incorporons les considérations ESG dans nos évaluations de qualité pour chacun de nos mandats. ------------------- Trusted for Sustainable, Quality Investing Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited is a registered investment management firm. Founded in 1955 as a research boutique, Jarislowsky Fraser today manages the portfolios of pension funds, foundations and endowments, corporations and high-net-worth individuals in Canada and internationally — representing more than CA$60 billion in assets under management. Consistent with our investment philosophy as long-term investors in high-quality businesses, we integrate material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into fundamental investment analysis. We manage over $5 billion on behalf of clients with a variety of unique vales-based considerations and incorporate ESG considerations into quality assessments across all of our mandates.

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