Analysis, control, measurement, weighing
Notre savoir-faire :
- Lutte anti-gel
- Bilan hydrique
- Le cumul des températures
- Le cumul horaire
- Rimpro by TCSD
- La dendrométrie
- Irrigation connectée
Sectors concerned
ArboricultureVegetable cropsNouvelles culturesWinegrowing
Innovative character of the product, equipment or service (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the information related to SIVAL Innovation is validated by the organization if necessary)
Domaine(s) d'innovation
Intrants, protection des cultures, fertilisants et substratsMatériel agricole / Techniques alternativesServices, logiciels et applicationsSolutions pour la production
Innovative character of the product, equipment or service
Caomsag - sur la mêlme plateforme Web retrouvez l'ensemble des outiles de gestion et d'analyse de vos vergers.
de l'alerte gel en passant par le bilan hydrique jusqu'au pilotage de l'irrigation ' la vraie irrigation connectée) ouverture pompage, vannes contrôle de passage d'eau, télérelève compteur ...
Information on certifications and procedures (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the Organic Repertoire is validated by the Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture)
Certifications and procedures
Made in France