Assessment of the DEPHY EXPE FragaSyst project on spring strawberries grown in soil-less conditions

Assessment of the DEPHY EXPE FragaSyst project on spring strawberries grown in soil-less conditions

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Paris)


Strawberry crops are faced with a multitude of pests and diseases, making protection more complex. In order to find protection solutions that use fewer synthetic pesticides, trials have been carried out as part of 2 DEPHY Expé projects, one from 2013 to 2018 and the second, FragaSyst, from 2018 to 2023. The solutions tested in the first project are mainly biocontrol solutions, involving the use of crop auxiliaries to control pests and the application of biocontrol products to control diseases. Building on the achievements already made during the 1st DEPHY Expé Fraise project from 2013 to 2018, the FragaSyst project has set itself the twofold objective of moving current production systems towards agro-ecological soilless strawberry production systems - using synthetic pesticides only as a last resort to get close to IFT 0 - while guaranteeing the economic profitability of production. The FragaSyst project focused on 'spring strawberries'. The project brought together five partners, two experimentation stations (Aprel and Invenio), two agricultural cooperatives (CMO and Rougeline) and a chamber of agriculture (CA45). Each year, a total of six plots of spring strawberries located in the main strawberry-growing regions (South-West, Brittany, Centre, PACA), and representative of the different shelters and crop methods, were monitored. On each plot, a combination of possibilities is assessed to fight against all the bio-aggressors of the strawberry. The solutions studied are biocontrol solutions, biodiversity (ground cover, service plants, etc.), UV-C light treatment, plant material and fertigation. The presentation will cover the main results of the FragaSyst project.
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