Soilless tomatoes in greenhouses: energy-efficient climate control

Soilless tomatoes in greenhouses: energy-efficient climate control

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Paris)


In 2023, at the Carquefou site (44), CTIFL experimented with an energy-saving climate management system for soil-less tomato crops grown in heated glasshouses. The presentation covers the main results of this experiment in terms of energy savings, impact on the plant and yield, and impact on health control. Particular emphasis is placed on the constraints relating to humidity management in the greenhouse. The risks of condensation on leaves and fruit were studied both in terms of occurrence and intensity. Solutions for equipment and optimisation of the climatic management are presented.
Interprétation simultanée en anglais
Crédit Photo
Serge Le Quillec - CTIFL
Type of broadcast / Simultaneous interpretation
In-person at SIVALSimultaneous interpretation FR / GBIn replay after SIVAL


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