Payment, Suppliers & Challenges (EN)
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 2:58 PM to 3:47 PM · 49 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
English Agenda
The LatAm region is widely known to have a strong cash market and going online may present difficulties or, inversely, new opportunities. Starting from zero has its difficulties, but this may allow for step-skipping towards e-wallets and beyond.
Also, localisation will make a big difference for the iGaming industry in the region as the many countries, and regions within those countries, may have different tastes and needs. Technology may have a defining role in this area as the demand for quality tools increases.
Panel 1
17.05hrs - 17.30hrs The Payment Sector: Addressing One of the Gaming Industry's Primary Challenges in LatAm
Panel 2
17.30hrs - 18.00hrs Tech Update: What Kind of Technologies are Required to Localise your Operations in LatAm?