PRESENTATION The front office is lean; the back office is mean

PRESENTATION The front office is lean; the back office is mean

Monday, November 16, 2020 2:50 PM to 3:10 PM · 20 min. (Asia/Dubai)
Fintech @ DWTC


Front offices are now digital and lean, therefore all the cost savings are in the Backoffice. and now in the Post trade, Post tap world this is where Savings will be need to be made.

With the introduction of new payment methods and technology and products, margins are about to drop, and the Instant world will require significant improvements in automation.

Digitalisation is all about bringing banking products and banks closer to the customer and as we move forward the process will no longer only be a cost which needs to be controlled, it will also become a fundamental part of the Customer experience, its successful operation keeps the promises the Front office has made. How will we adapt.

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