Seamless Onboarding & Origination. From High Friction to Flawless Experiences.

Seamless Onboarding & Origination. From High Friction to Flawless Experiences.



*The Power of Backbase* We simplify the end-to-end journey of becoming a customer or applying for products, so you’ll earn loyalty, increase conversion rates and lower operational costs. But security is paramount, so we use features like Facial Recognition and Smart Biometrics to keep. everyone safe. It’s fewer steps, and happier customers. #1 Onboard in under 5 minutes When it comes to onboarding your customers, time is of the essence. That’s why we keep speed in mind, so you can welcome newcomers in 5 minutes or less. More speed and less friction means fewer dropouts along the way. #2 Orchestrate the Entire Customer Lifecycle It’s more than just opening accounts or applying for products. Out-of-the-box, Backbase Onboarding & Origination Services cover the entire digital engagement customer lifecycle — from acquisition and multi-product origination, to customer support and off-boarding. #3 Drive Digital Revenue We help you turn customer knowledge- and document-gathering into a digital, seamless, and secure process. That minimizes manual work for your employees and lets them focus on what matters most: providing world-class experiences. Backbase is a leader in Digital Onboarding & Origination - we’re proud to be the recipient of both Celent’s Xcelent Technology 2020 and Xcelent Functionality 2020 Awards.

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