InsureBuddy Chatbot

InsureBuddy Chatbot



Cognitive CX is redefining the insurance landscape by automating service delivery at scale across all digital channels & functions. Leverage pre-built omnichannel multilingual NLP chat & voice bots, flexible & secure customer journeys, voice & face verification, behavioral cross-sell & upsell recommendations with a human in the loop. Onboarding AI-based self-service/ video agent-assisted eKYC with text extraction, video, image, and speech verification. Customer service Embedded Insurance customer services from payments, inquiries, complaints to customer delight. Claims Hassle-free claim reporting and updates with OCR, photo & location. Cross-sell & Upsell Delight customers with micro-targeted cross-sell and upsell recommendations based on behavioral persona & current conversation context. Motor Personalize policyholder interactions based on usage patterns to enhance loyalty and renewals. Medical Frictionless registration, add on, modification, eCard, claims across channels. Travel Frictionless Insurance lifecycle from targeting, information discovery, instant issuance, recommendations, origination, service, cross-sell across channels, and languages. Property Hassle-free origination, renewals, claims, and add ons.

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