Help Desk

Help Desk


Welcome to the Seamless East Africa Help Desk.

Below are a number of FAQs that should help you maximise your reach and exposure at the event. If you need further assistance please don't hesitate to contact and we'll get back to you as so on as possible.

You can also talk to us on the right hand side where we will be available on show days from 09:30-18:00 Asia/Dubai time (GST) - 08:30-17:00 

  • How do I edit my profile? In the top right hand corner, click on your name and then "My Profile". Here you can update your name, job and company details and contact information. We recommend adding as much information as possible to ensure your contacts can keep in touch with you post-event.
  • What time zone is the event in? The event is in Asia/Dubai (GST) but all of the agenda times will show in your local timezone as long as you do not have a VPN connected.
  • How does the agenda work? Within the agenda you can filter by topic, location (stage) and by type (presentation, panel, interview etc.). Due to unforeseen circumstances the agenda may have minor last minute changes but the organiser will endeavor to keep these to a minimum. You can add sessions to your schedule by clicking the small plus sign next to the title in the agenda view or if you've clicked into the session already then click REGISTER on the right hand side. To view your diary go to the homepage and click on "My Schedule". You can export all of your meeting and conference session commitments to your outlook calendar in the same area, on the left hand side just click EXPORT TO MY CALENDAR.
  • How can I edit my available meeting times? Click on "My Schedule" on the homepage. Then click on "My Meetings". Here you can select the times you want to make unavailable.
  • How do I network? On the homepage click on the Attendee List/Networking Area. Here you can view the full attendee list and search by things like company name and job title on the left in the search bar. Once you've clicked on someone's profile you can see the meeting times they have available and also send them a connection request. When sending a meeting or connection request we always recommend adding a message to introduce yourself and the reason for the connection. You can see anyone that you have sent meeting or connection requests under "My Schedule" on the homepage and then "My Networking". You can export all of your meeting and conference session commitments to your outlook calendar in the same area, on the left hand side just click EXPORT TO MY CALENDAR. If someone accepts your meeting or connection request you will receive a notification in the top right corner.
  • How do I start a virtual meeting? You can only start a virtual  meeting if the other person has accepted it. At the start time you can click on the attendees profile and click on the "Meeting call" button that will launch the virtual meeting room.
  • My virtual meeting room isn't working? Unfortunately due to VOIP restrictions in the UAE there is a chance the virtual meeting rooms will not work for some users and will appear as a blank screen/no video. If this is the case we recommend contacting the other participant and sending them a Zoom/Microsoft Teams/Google Hangout link instead. On Zoom you can create a day long meeting so you never need to close the application and send the link straight to someone else to join, it also has a "waiting room" so you can accept/reject anyone trying to join. For instructions on setting this up click here.
  • How can I export the contacts I've made? In the top right hand corner there is a symbol of two people. Click on this and then within that area you click DOWNLOAD under "Export My contacts" on the left hand side. This will then download as an excel sheet with contact information. If you have used Swapcard before then all of your previous contacts will feature here, in column W you can filter by event. Please note, only attendees that have accepted your connection request will show.

If you still have any questions then feel free to email or for technical issues please  contact  

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