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Education and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) go hand in hand—teaching children how to effectively manage and express emotions is essential to their academic success. Educating our youth is of utmost importance, yet we must also recognize that the health and well-being of those who teach and lead them plays a pivotal role in an effective educational system. That's why we are so excited to offer the 2024 SEAD Summit!
This year, 250 teachers, administrators, counselors, and educational specialists will enjoy grant-funded attendance at the event sponsored by the Title II office at the Nevada Department of Education.
The "Innovative Paths to Emotional Intelligence" Leadership Summit will offer an immersive and engaging experience for educators, administrators, and leaders committed to enhancing social-emotional learning in academic settings. This virtual conference aims to explore cutting-edge approaches and tools for developing emotional intelligence, fostering a culture of empathy, and driving academic excellence.
What to Expect:
Keynote Address: Executive Function and Emotional Intelligence
An inspiring keynote by Suchetta Kamath will highlight the impact of executive function on emotional intelligence and ways to integrate both in educational environments.
Understanding Nevada's New SEL Standards: Speakers from the Nevada Department of Education will present key updates on the new SEL Standards rollout in Nevada.
Breakout Sessions: These smaller, focused sessions will delve into specific techniques and practices that support SEL and emotional intelligence and cater to diverse student populations. Attendees will choose one of four topics per session and interact with fellow attendees and session speakers via a live chat feature on the event platform.
Breakout Session 1: Topics include SEL and Community Circles, Integrating Trauma-Informed Practices with Social Emotional Learning in Schools, Movement and Music, and Big Picture Diversity and Inclusion SEL: Environmental Liberation Education.
Breakout Session 2: Topics include Neuroscience and Research behind Mindfulness: In Practice, The Importance of Self- Care & How to Maintain a Healthy Well-being for Educators, and The Ripple Effect: Cultivating Positive Change with Cutting-Edge SEL Techniques
Closing Remarks and Action Plan: Recap of the day’s insights and actionable steps for integrating emotional intelligence into your leadership practice. Learn about Mindful SEAD initiatives and how you can be involved in SEAD Leadership in the new school year and beyond.
Networking and Collaboration: Connect with peers, share insights, and collaborate on new ideas in our interactive virtual networking space.
Join us for a transformative day dedicated to exploring the innovative paths to emotional intelligence, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to lead with empathy and excellence.