Sensory Ladders

Wellbeing sponsor


Since 2001, Sensory Ladders have been used to support adults, teens, and children with sensory integration difficulties in creating the right space, doing the right thing, and being in the right place and at the right time. (Person, Environment, Task/Occupation for optimal Performance). Sensory Ladders can be made for anyone of any age and any ability. For use at home, school and in the hospital. Supporting people developing shared understanding. Supporting understanding. Helping parents, carers and teachers provide the right support at any one moment in time. Uniquely individualised and personalised. Sensory Ladders are about building a shared narrative and understanding. They promote awareness of self-states and how to use sensory strategies for self-regulation. Promoting successful engagement and participation in everyday life.

Conference theme
OT's role in addressing health inequity
CPD Zone Type
Innovation and research
Bitesized learnings theme
OT's role in addressing health inequity
Bitesized learnings keywords
Adult physical healthChildren and familiesEducation and studentsForensic practiceLearning disabilityMental healthNeurological practiceOlder peopleSupport workersThird sector/charity/volunteers
RCOT Career Development Framework
Professional Practice
Sponsor Type
Wellbeing sponsors

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