Using Online Reviews and Social Media to Drive Product Innovation and Brand Protection

Using Online Reviews and Social Media to Drive Product Innovation and Brand Protection

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 5:45 PM to 6:15 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


Your customers are telling the entire world exactly how they feel about your products and services, but are you able to hear them? Odds are, your company is missing out on the untapped goldmine of rich product and customer insights embedded in everything your customers are saying online — especially on third-party review websites and social media.

If, like many companies, you’re relying primarily on surveys to understand customer and product experiences, then you’re not getting the whole picture. This can open you up to risk and poor decision-making. But how can you maximize the value of your data when it takes so much time and effort to integrate and analyze this information? During this session, we will provide the answer. Join us to learn:  

  • Demystify the traditional and machine learning-based methods that every retailer can use to extract actionable insights from data;  
  • How leading companies are leveraging this data without a team of data scientists; and  
  • How teams from top CPG companies are delivering valuable, actionable insights across the entire customer lifecycle by making unstructured customer feedback a critical source for their analysis.

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