


PayePass Verify provides the first and only complete umbrella PAYE payroll financial auditing solution that will give agencies the confidence that they are dealing with truly compliant umbrellas.

During a period when reports of financial irregularities by some umbrellas are unfortunately all to common, at no cost to any agency or its clients or candidates, a PayePass Verify will ensure your umbrella PSL is not exposing you, your clients, or candidates to future financial liabilities

During the audit process we tracked all funds paid to an umbrella from the moment they arrive, through all PAYE calculations, until payments are made to candidates, HMRC and other entitled parties. During the audit process our accountants and payroll experts will undertake an ‘eyes on’ physical review of all bank statements, invoices HMRC submissions and much more… There is nowhere to hide during a Verify audit!

PayePass Verify Auditing Confirms:

- No tax avoidance

- No mini-umbrellas

- No cloned umbrellas

- No withheld holiday pay

- No salary skimming

- No unlawful expenses

- No unlawful deductions or payments

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