Embedding research into integrated care systems – the SSHERPa experience to date

Embedding research into integrated care systems – the SSHERPa experience to date

Monday, May 13, 2024 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM · 59 min. (Europe/London)


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The Staffordshire and Shropshire Health and Care Research Partnership (SSHERPa) was established in response to the NHS Long Term Plan (2018) in recognition of the cultural transformation work needed to support these aims. Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (an integrated health and social care provider Trust), supported initially through NIHR CRN WM Improvement and Innovation funding, provide executive sponsorship/hosting for SSHERPa which includes over 20 partnering organisations across two integrated care systems (ICS).

As the objectives of the SSHERPa project corresponded to DHSC/NHSE guidance for the emerging ICB/ICS, two regional SSHERPa groups were established forming the ICS Research and Innovation (R&I) Committees for Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent (SSoT) and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (STW). Working in partnership the SSHERPa community have:

  • Established a SSHERPa hub including executive lead, SSHERPa programme manager and independent chair of the ICS R&I committees
  • Presented SSHERPa to the ICB boards, clinical senates and place based partnerships
  • Integrated patient and public involvement (PPIE) and voluntary and community sector partners (VCS) within SSHERPa
  • Co-produced a survey, examining the appetite for research collaboration• Commissioned qualitative research to understand the barriers/facilitators for research collaboration across the ICS 
  • Established SSHERPa task and finish groups (Research Governance, PPIE, communications)• Secured clinical leadership in R&I committees
  • Secured over £558,000 in funding to support collaborative research (including NHSE REN cohort 1 and 2)
  • Delivered NHSE REN cohort 1 and NHSE Touchpoints projects
  • Co-developed the ICS Research strategy for SSOT/STW and joint forward plans of both ICBs
  • Shared learning locally, regionally and nationally.

SSHERPa has benefited from a strong commitment to collaborative working during the development of the ICS structures, ensuring research is embedded in the early design work of the ICBs, and will continue to support evidence-based transformation in an ever-changing health and care system.

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