TRAXX locomotive portfolio -https://bit.ly/3fPtdtT
Rolling Stock
The proven TRAXX locomotive portfolio offers expertise eight years ahead of its time, and more than 2,300 locomotives have been sold worldwide. Bombardier’s new TRAXX 3 locomotive platform is one of the most innovative locomotives to enter the European freight and passenger transportation market.
TRAXX locomotives enable cost-efficient operations while reducing environmental impact and preserving resources globally. Since 1998, the TRAXX platform has been delivering top quality freight and passenger transport services. Throughout this time, Bombardier has continued to develop and perfect the platform’s technology.
The broad TRAXX product portfolio provides customers with key benefits including:
•Experience in design, production, service and maintenance
•High energy efficiency
•Various train components including door controls, CCTV and passenger information system (“train wide functions”)
•High train –load performance
•Last mile functionality
•Low maintenance cost
•High reliability and availability
•Spareparts support
•Cross-border services on European core network corridors
The new TRAXX 3 platform offers a flexible and modular design for all worldwide applications and configurations required for individual operation. Bombardier provides customized solutions for specific regions such as our ALP passenger locomotives for North America, the E464 locomotive for Italy’s passenger traffic and the IORE locomotives for heavy freight transport in Sweden.