Innovation Project and Competitiviness
Innovation Project and Competitiveness

The Innovation and Competitiveness Area develops initiatives in order to help MAFEX members to become more competitive, innovative and technologically advanced companies. Through the R&D Project office, the institutional relations, the working groups and the connection between the industry and the academia, the Innovation and Competitiveness Area tries to promote the innovation as key figure to help the evolution of the railway sector.
EXXTRA Project
EXTTRA Project (“EXcellence EXchange and Teaming-up between RAilway clusters and ecosystems”) is one of the first « ESCP-4X » funded under the programme COSME of the European Union. Its aim is to accompany the professionalisation of clusters’ competences and services towards the creation and consolidation of world-class clusters in the field of the Railway Technologies.
Twitter: Exxtra_EU
The EPROMAT Project will develop a new manufacturing cell based on advanced and intelligent organizational models for the automation of large composite manufacturing processes. The project is developed with the support of the HAZITEK 2020 programme and has a consortium of 9 industrial partners, 1 cluster (MAFEX) and 2 RVCTI agents, led by POLIKEA, a company manufacturer of complete components and modules for the railway and shipping industry. Its objective is the development of a new High Efficiency Composite Manufacturing Cell in Productivity and Materials and it will be based on advanced and intelligent organizational models for the automation of large composite manufacturing processes.