RTP-800, multi technology on board radio
Signalling & Train Comms
RTP-800 is a next generation onboard radio unit that comprises in only one compact rack narrowband and broadband radio technologies. It combines the advanced performance of TETRA technology with additional data bearers based on LTE and Wi-Fi technologies. A fully-featured radio onboard unit that is the best choice to meet all the communication needs in the very demanding transport sector: Voice, Short critical data, Data for rail signalling, Broadband data for CCTV and other applications.
The new easy-to-install compact device is configured as a single hardware platform that supports multiple configurations: TETRA (for voice and data services), TETRA (voice) + LTE (data) and LTE (MCPTT and VoIP services for voice and broadband data services). Additionally, this unit offers wide connectivity possibilities, with Ethernet, serial ports and Wi-Fi, as well as a digital audio switching matrix that facilitates integration with the train's audio subsystems.
RTP-800 offers wide connectivity possibilities with other on board subsystem:
• Connection to the TCMS (Train Control Management System)
• Connection to the ATS (Automatic Train Supervision)
• Connection to PIS (Passenger Information System)
• Alarms and events management
• Interconnection with PA (Public Address) and Intercom Systems to extend their operation through the radio network
• Digital inputs and outputs
• Location via GPS
• Connection to Signalling applications (ETCS, CBTC and PTC)
RTP-800 fulfils the main railway standards: EN50155 and EN45545, besides the EN62443 industrial cybersecurity standard, and its design has been made under the guidelines of the International Railways Union for the definition of FRMCS