Linsinger Maschinenbau GmbH

Bronze Sponsor


LINSINGER reprofiles complete railheads both of new and used rails in a single pass using the sophisticated LINSINGER Milling and Grinding Technology. 

LINSINGER has more than seven decades of experience in milling and grinding and in developing state-of-the-art machines. This expertise was expanded to rail track maintenance 20 years ago and has been used in this field successfully ever since then. At the moment more than 55 Rail Milling Vehicles are in operation all over the world. 

The Austrian based manufacturer and world-wide supplier of Rail Milling and Grinding Technology offers specific solutions for the railway industry, namely Stationary Rail Head Milling Machines and Mobile Rail Processing Vehicles.

The product range includes:

-       Rail Milling Machines for highspeed railways, railways, city railways, tramways, subways as well as for switches, crossings and turnouts.

-       Rail-Road Trucks for flexible operation

-       Stationary Rail Head Milling Machines for rail welding and repair centres

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