Announcement: Measuring Ketamine’s Neuro Effects with Kernel Flow

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 12:20 PM to 12:25 PM · 5 min. (Europe/London)
Sainsbury Wing Theatre
Research Presentation


Dr. Field will share pilot results from a Cybin-sponsored feasibility study evaluating Ketamine’s neuro effects as measured by Kernel Flow.

Audience Q&A
KernelFounded in 2016 by Bryan Johnson, Kernel has assembled a world-class team of engineers, neuroscientists, and physicists to create a full-stack neurotech company who are building a platform to realize that brighter future now. With the goal of making neuroimaging mainstream, we systematically evaluated every state-of-the-art technology candidate, scrutinized existing commercial tools and built our own systems using the best available components as we mapped each possible path. No stone was left unturned. Most noninvasive methods for recording brain signals measure electromagnetic fields generated by groups of neurons or detect small changes in blood oxygenation, which correlate well to nearby neural activity. But existing technology in both of these technologies are rife with drawbacks, limitations or shortcomings. Kernel is building the next generation of brain measurement systems by leveraging the strengths of TD-fNIRS into products that offer the following benefits: High-quality neural signal Full-head coverage Scalability Relatively low cost Natural environments, stimuli, and interactions Freedom of user motion Kernel’s proprietary technology is designed in-house, and built from the ground up, with scientists and engineers controlling every step from chip design to optics; control software to machine learning; experimental design to analysis. Kernel Flow is based on lightweight headgear that allows for natural head motion, a wide variety of stimuli and peripherals, various natural environments, and user interaction. We believe that, in combination and at scale, this technology will revolutionize the capture of high-quality neural signals for the study of the brain, and provide the densest, largest, richest data sets ever taken.

Research & Development

Dr. Ryan Field
Dr. Ryan Field

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