Fleet Manager

Fleet Manager



Derive up to 3 percent incremental revenue through close-in re-fleetingVALUE VALUE: Derive up to 3 percent incremental revenue through close-in re-fleeting Fleet Manager connects economic analysis and business objectives to optimize and organize fleet management decisions. The solution enables schedulers to swap aircraft assignments, re-time and cancel flights, improve utilization, and minimize aircraft towing, as well as analyze a typical day, week or “fully dated” schedule. Assign the most appropriate aircraft type to each flight leg, to minimize the effects of both spoilage and spill • Incorporate economic information and apply cabin level or fare-level spill models to demand data • Manage 50+ business rules using a constraint rules engine • Leverage a flexible report generator for customizable reporting (Excel compatible) Reduce short-term costs by taking advantage of new trends in revenue management data • Enable aircraft swaps to take advantage of more accurate booking forecasts and variances in demand by day of week • Intelligently optimize crew-compatible aircraft Enhance strategic planning with better insight into the profitability of new hub structures and markets • Address a variety of scenarios from long-term to short-term planning, including: - Aircraft purchase evaluations - Schedule feasibility evaluations - ASM/ASK reduction scenarios - Aircraft introduction/reduction in schedule - Schedule transitions and seasonal schedule building - Budget and 5 year plan evaluations Improve aircraft utilization with profitable schedules that simultaneously add fleet and time changes • Adjust schedules automatically through flight re-timings and ground time savings • Attain schedule feasibility and/or improve schedule profitability

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