Allotment Manager

Allotment Manager



Crane Allotment Manager (Crane ALM) has been designed to address the operational needs of airlines for distributing their inventory over different scheduled and charter flights, direct and indirect sales channels. Crane ALM (Allotment Manager) has been developed according to business needs of full-charter, part-charter and part-scheduled airlines. The system identifies the needs of airlines and their distribution counterparts, and helps them with the regular interactions, that occur on daily basis. Crane ALM (Allotment Manager) provides airlines with a set of useful tools to efficiently oversee each step of the inventory management, starting from pre-planning of a new schedule season, through the entire range of seasonal day-to-day operations, to the final stage: invoicing and reporting. Crane ALM (Allotment Manager) is an innovative IT system, which manages their daily interactions of an airline with tour operators, OTAs and other B2B sales channels. Crane ALM (Allotment Manager) ensures a flawless relationship between airlines and their distribution partners.

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