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In the last year since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK, superfunds have been given the provisional regulatory greenlight by The Pensions Regulator, heralding the start of potential mass-consolidation across the DB landscape. Consolidation into larger entities aims to improve governance, reduce costs and improve the chances that pensions will be paid.
Some schemes will be able to take advantage of improved funding levels to consider an insurance-based approach to consolidation, entering into buyout contracts to settle liabilities. However, there are other options such as considering merging into a specialist ‘superfund’ consolidator in a bid to improve outcomes for members.
Professional Pensions is hosting this concise digital event on the 25th March to provide a crucial update on where the current regulation stands on DB Consolidators, assess the different models available, what the expected funding levels are and the governance requirements. This event will be a combination of short presentations followed by live Q&A’s with our expert speakers allowing plenty of time to answer your questions.