Ledwaba Solar PV Farm
Hlamara Energy is registered as a project developer in the Small Projects IPP Procurement Program and has initiated the development of a 5MW solar PV farm in Lebowakgomo, Limpopo Province, which is 20ha owned by Ledwaba Traditional Authority.
The project will comprise about 21 000 panels installed in grouped row (arrays) covering approximately 11ha of land. The plant is expected to produce about 10
850MWh/ per annum of electricity. This has the potential to meet the equivalent
energy demands of about 625 households in Limpopo Province. The project is proposed as a temporary installation for a period of 20 years. The solar farm could produce a carbon saving in the order of 41 600 tons of carbon dioxide over the period of 20 years.
The project will be submitted under the SP-IPP Procurement Program's next bidding window.