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Frank Alétru
Frank AlétrupresidentEuropean Professional Beekeeprs Association
Jessica Attard
Jessica Attardhead of food & healthShareAction
Klaus Berend
Klaus Berendhead of unit, Pesticides and BiocidesDG SANTE, European Commission
Jo Blackmanhead of forests policy and advocacyGlobal Witness
Martin Blake
Martin Blakechief veterinary officerDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Ireland
Palle Borgström
Palle Borgströmvice presidentCOPA
Delara Burkhardt
Delara BurkhardtMEP (S&D, Germany)European Parliament
Wolfgang Burtscher
Wolfgang BurtscherDirector General, DG AGRIEuropean Commission (pending final confirmation)
Claire Bury
Claire Burydeputy director-generalDG SANTE, European Commission
Julian Cacchioli
Julian Cacchiolivice president corporate affairs, EMEA & IndiaHerbalife (opening remarks)
Isabel Carvalhais
Isabel CarvalhaisMEP (S&D, Portugal)European Parliament
Claire Chenu
Claire Chenudirector of researchINRA - French National Institute for Agricultural Research
Emma Chow
Emma Chowfood initiative leadThe Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Timothy D. Searchinger
Timothy D. SearchingerSenior Research ScholarCenter for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment, Princeton University
Paolo de Castro
Paolo de CastroMEP (S&D, Italy)European Parliament
Humberto Delgado Rosa
Humberto Delgado Rosadirector for natural capitalDG ENV, European Commission
Claire Diquet
Claire DiquetfarmerGonneGirls Farm
Tomaso Ferrando
Tomaso Ferrandoresearch professorUniversity of Antwerp
Guillaume Fourdinier
Guillaume Fourdinierco-founder & chief executive officerAgricool
Angela Frigo
Angela Frigosecretary generalEuropean Food Banks Federation
Moderator: Gabriela Galindo
Moderator: Gabriela GalindoreporterPOLITICO
Isabelle Garzon
Isabelle Garzondirector of studies and developmentEurope Jacques Delors
Louise Guillot
Tassos Haniotis
Tassos Haniotisacting deputy director general, DG AGRIEuropean Commission
Jan Huitema
Jan HuitemaMEP (Renew Europe, The Netherlands)European Parliament
Sabine Jülicher
Sabine Jülicherdirector, food and feed safety, innovationDG SANTE, European Commission
Moderator: Giorgio Leali
Moderator: Giorgio LealireporterPOLITICO
Diana Lenzi
Diana LenziPresidentEuropean Council of Young Farmers (CEJA)
Agnès Martin
Agnès Martinhealth and diet advocacy directorDanone
Tilly Metz
Tilly MetzMEP (Greens/EFA, Luxembourg)European Parliament